
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Dominican Republic through my Family's Eyes

  October 24th-November 3rd

 Every Thursday at Colegio Timoteo, we break into small groups and within those small groups of students we spend time teaching, and praying for one another. In my group last year, one of my boys, Steven, had the same prayer request every week which was that my parents could come down to visit so that he could meet them. He prayed for them every week for the entire year. Back in October 2012, a prayer request prayed over a long period of time was finally fulfilled. My parents were able to come and see the ministry that is going on here in Jarabacoa, and experience what it is like to be out of the country for the first time. When I took them into school to meet my students, Steven came running up to me, and he tells me, "JIM! God DOES answer prayer! Look! He brought your parents. Now I am going to pray for your brother!" It was such an amazing time an opportunity to be able to have my parents enter into my life here and really have the opportunity to see and experience the place where God has put SO much Passion on my heart to work. In just 10 short days, my parents really were able to meet so many people that have impacted my life, as well as see so many different things and places in this beautiful country. Here are some pictures of some of the things that they were able to experience while they were here.


The Wonderer said...

Ahh Jim your family came to visit!! Love this! Looks like they had a an incredible time! God is amazing!
We should chat soon!

Jim Ralstin said...

Yeah that would be cool... But which Sara is this? haha I am sorry but Sara is quite the popular name...

Darrell said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. It was awesome they were able to make the visit.

Darrell said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. It was awesome they were able to make the visit.