Back in November, our church had a retreat and it was during this time that I felt God convicting me about something I should be doing for our boys at the school. The message was simple, "What skills and talents do I have to glorify God's Kingdom?" When I really began to think about that, I began to think of my experience in the Boyscouts. God gave me a conviction of the importance and the need for our guys to learn important team building and leadership skills. Every Friday morning, we have a special and intentional time of teaching our students leaderships skills through various games and tasks that are also backed up and integrated with Biblical teachings. As a teaching staff, we have noticed that for the boys to carry out the things that we are teaching them in their every day lives, is rather difficult and they are still learning how to work as a team and how to be good leaders. However, this is something that the boys look forward to every week, and we are seeing a lot of fruit coming through these activities through the character of the boys.